Installazione Vmware tools su SLES 11 SP1
Creare una cartella:
mkdir /root/gpgkey
Con firefox andar all’indirizzo:
Salvare il file VMWARE-PACKAGING-GPG-KEY.PUB dentro /root/gpgkey
rpm –import
a questo punto aggiungere a
zypper il repository (sorgente di software)
zypper addservice –type=YUM "versione vmware"/"versione SLES"/"tipo SLES vmware-tools-collection
zypper packages vmware-tools-collection
zypper install –c vmware-tools-collection vmware-tools
controllare su VC o ESX nel summary del guest se viene riportata la scritta "unmanaged"
"Unmanaged" is a valid state for VMware Tools, and indicates that some mechanism other than the classic VMware Tools "interactive/scriptable" installer engine is responsible for keeping the tools components "up to date".
This is what I would expect to see for the majority of newer virtual appliances being submitted for evaluation/validation through the VMware Ready Virtual Appliances Program.
Typically the "unmanaged" state is triggered by one of three cases:
VMware Operating-System Specific Packages (OSPs) served from (nostro caso)
Open VM Tools
VMware Studio 2 supplied OSPs