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martedì 11 gennaio 2011

Websense password Policy Manger dimenticata

Reset Policy Manger PWD
1. Stop Policy Server service:
2. Go into the Program Files\Websense\bin\ folder
3. Open Config.xml with a text editor.
4. Search for the phrase “K2097153”
5. Edit the container, following the example below:
<data name="K2097153">89GDFRT589GFHY8RRJJKDFHJ</data>
so that it reads
<data name="K2097153"></data>
6. Save Config.xml file
7. Rename “config.xml.bak” (also in the bin folder) file to “config.xml.bak.original”
8. Start Policy Server service.
9. Open the Websense Manager, you should be prompted for a username and password.

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