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mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012

Cluster warning for ESXi Shell for the Host has been enabled

In vSphere 5, you can enable both Remote SSH and the ESXi Shell for management of hosts from the vSphere Client and from the Direct Console User Interface.
These messages are shown as a proactive security measure that ensure that administrators are aware that remote access has been enabled for the server.
Disabling Remote SSH and ESXi Shell removes the messages from the host.
To disable these warnings: 
  1. Select the ESXi host from the Inventory.
  2. Select Advanced Settings from the Software menu.
  3. Navigate to UserVars > UserVars.SuppressShellWarning.
  4. Set the value from 0 to 1.
  5. Click OK.
To disable these warnings using esxcli:
  1. Connect to the ESXi host through SSH using root credentials.
  2. Run this command
    esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 1
To enable these warnings using esxcli:
  1. Connect to the ESXi host through SSH using root credentials.
  2. Run this command
    esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 0

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